
上星期,重新又把Before系列Before Sunrise、Before Sunset 及 Before Midnight看了一遍。幾年前第一次看,我覺得電影很沉悶,一直靠停不了的對話把劇情延續,而在無關重要的對話,我沒法找到共鳴。我當時膚淺覺得,簡單的製作,毫無花巧佈置的場景,與及那平凡卻又真實的對話,並非自己喜歡的那一類電影。但人長大了,喜歡看內涵、看餡料。知道再美艷的皮膚,也可能是屍骨的掩眼把戲。

第二次再看這部電影系列,看得我靈魂也投進場景內。旅途上的葡萄美酒夜光杯,再加上一句句刺到心坎裡的對白,像把刀,刀刀有力。我彷佛回到似曾熟悉的畫面,來了一場旅途上的艷遇。第三次再看,就如電影的三部曲一樣,從浪漫回歸現實的原點,原來Before Midnight不是想粉碎少女們的美夢,而要告訴你現實並沒有同情心。


Before系列三部曲:Before Sunrise (1995)、Before Sunset (2004)、Before Midnight (2013),相同的男女主角,跨越18年的青春與光陰,戲內戲外與觀眾一同成長。由青春少艾時期的一次火車相遇,喜歡上、激情過,面對分開的不捨,各散東西的噓唏。到第2集,兩人長大,從精警的對白追溯遺憾的往事,以及最後如何打破僵局破鏡重圓。2013年最後一集,一切轟烈與激情已逝,原來愛情不像幻想般一樣浪漫,遺留下來的現實總要面對。


從第一段對話 我直覺告訴我編劇有過相同的親身體驗

Even as a little girl, they wanted me to think as a future career, as an interior designer or lawyer, or something like that. I'd say to my dad, "I want to be a writer." And he'd say, "journalist". I'd say, "I wanted to have a refuge for stray cats." He'd say, "veterinarian". I'd say, "I wanted to be an actress." He'd say, "TV newscaster". It was this constant conversion of my fanciful ambition into these practical moneymaking ventures. -- Celine

I always had a pretty good bullshit detector when I was a kid. I always knew when they were lying to me. By the time I was in high school, I was dead set on listening to what everybody thought i should be doing with my life and just kind of doing the opposite. -- Jesse



Sometimes I dream about being a good father and a good husband. And sometimes it feels really close. But then other times, it seems silly like it would ruin my whole life. And it's not just a fear of commitment or that i'm incapable of caring or loving because I can. It's just that if I'm totally honest with myself I think I'd rather die knowing that I was really good at something. That I had excelled in some way than that I had just been in a nice, caring relationship. -- Jesse

But I had worked for this older man, once he told me that he had spent all his life thinking about his career and his work. He was 52, and it suddenly struck him that he had never given anything of himself. His life was for no one and nothing. He was almost crying saying that. --- Celine


我喜歡這部電影的哲學與思維,用最簡單不過的聊天方式,去將蘊含大意義的人生哲理娓娓道來。你可能曾經覺得它在廢話連篇,但這部電影有一個小奧妙 - 【就是它每一次都會令你有不一樣的體會。】就像紅酒一樣,味道一直在變。每一口,都有著不同的蘊味。有趣有趣。一部可以只用聊天來打動觀眾的電影,相當不容易。

邀請大家一同愛上這套Before系列三部曲:Before Sunrise (1995)、Before Sunset (2004)、Before Midnight (2013),歡迎留言與我分享一下您的觀後感。

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